A biography of The Truth Seeker
Richard Rahl, also known as Richard Cypher, is the principal character in the series of books called The Sword Of Truth, written by Terry Goodkind. The Sword of Truth books are situated in the fantasy genre, so they naturally take place in their own unique world. This world is called the New World. Richard Cypher is given the title Seeker of Truth by the wizard Zeddicus Zu'l Zorander in the first novel of the series, "Wizard's First Rule". Here are some details of Richard's life.
The new world
Westland, the Midlands and D'Hara are the three lands that make up the New World. The leader of the D'Haran Empire is Darken Rahl and he is in the process of invading the Midlands to increase his power. Richard, in his role of Seeker of Truth has a powerful weapon at his disposal. It is a sword made by wizards of the distant past. The sword can cut through any perceived threat without hesitation. If the Seeker is even the slightest bit doubtful that the sword's target is an enemy, it will stop short of destroying it. Zeddicus tells Richard that he himself is the weapon because the sword will amplify the righteous anger of the Seeker and transform it into agility and stamina.
How Richard looks
Richard has a startling appearance, the most prominent feature being his piercing gaze. His eyes are grey and his body is tall and well-muscled. As the story progresses through the series, Richard discovers the history of his family and of the gift he possesses which entitles him to be the Seeker. As he explores the land of D'Hara, he learns the language of the land and the history of the people. The first novel ends with Richard killing Darken Rahl. About the author The books in the Sword Of Truth series are essentially philosophical and revolve around emotions and human relationships. On his website, Terry Goodkind says that he writes to tell himself stories. He writes the kind of stories that he wants to read and he does not think about their effect on others. He writes from the time he gets up till it is time to go to bed, with dialogue and plot lines running through his head while he is not actually sitting at the computer.