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A guide to effective mattress cleaning

A mattress just like any other sleep material which needs to be cleaned. After all, everyone nearly spends an average of six to eight hours a day in it. However, how do you keep a mattress immaculate and what are the ways to effectively clean it?

Is it important to clean the mattress?

The answer is a resounding yes. Just as cleaning the house or couch cleaning, a mattress should be kept in a good and sanitary condition. Hygiene reasons Dust settles and bacteria breeds everywhere including on your mattress . This is indeed a major reason to keep your mattress fresh and spotless. Prolong its life Periodically cleaning and sanitising your mattress ensures that you have a
dirt-free surface to sleep on it every time. It also extends the life-span of your mattress saving you money.

Ways to get tour mattress clean

Cleaning spills immediately If spills or accidents occur, blot out most of the moisture by using a sponge cloth or paper towels. You can also use a commercial stain remover, sofa cleaners, enzyme cleaners or even prepare one of your own (mixing baking soda with vinegar). However, make sure that the surface is thoroughly dried before putting sheets back on the mattress. Vacuuming Using the vacuum brush on your mattress will get rid of dust particles on your mattress. Wet-dry vac cleaners are also effective tools in removing dirt, bed-bugs, lice, and mites. Airing Air your mattress regularly to eliminate foul smells from perspiration and sweating. Opening windows and stripping your mattresses bare of sheets and protectors are ways to air-dry your mattress. Sun-drying Taking out the mattress under the full heat of the sun for a few hours will get rid of smells and keep your mattress dry. It prevents the build-up of mould, mildew, and mites. Steaming Using steamers to kill bed-bugs and other creatures that might be residing in your mattresses is another method. You do need to make sure that the mattress dries completely (using fans, handheld dryers or leaving windows open) before re-using it. Cleaning companies If you can afford it, contact house services and cleaning services to get your mattress cleaned by professionals for tough or stubborn stains like urine. Tips Alternate sides Make it a habit to flip mattresses when changing sheets to ensure that the materials recover and retain their firmness and original shapes. Use a bed protector or mattress pads Investing in a water-proof bed pad will prevent stains and spills from ruining your mattress. Mattress pads should also be changed at specific intervals. For example, Swissflex recommends replacing them every two to three years.

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