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A guide to financial tools

Financial Tools is a lending software solutions company for credit unions and banking. Offering a one-stop shop for lenders, its methods of streamlining and data tools include assessment needs for credit risk, portfolio risk management, CRE analysis, stress testing and more. Their CASH programmes provide comprehensive training and support for risk management as well as to business development/sales management.

How do they work

Created in 1992, Financial Tools assembled a knowledgeable staff of adept commercial and retail bankers to undertake a special project. The goal of this project was to develop software specifically designed to analyse credit for lenders in a more effective way that would benefit banker in terms of streamlined processes, and the client to improve satisfactory results. The outcome was a programme aptly titled CASH, which expanded to assist the client relationship and portfolio levels of the banking world. Still growing, Financial Tools CASH programme even includes support for your IT and Analytics team. It also provides web-based training to have a complete understanding of how CASH works, and integrative solutions to enhance your relationship with the client. How does cash support lenders? The CASHSuite programme includes cutting-edge innovation tools for lenders at a discounted price as opposed to purchasing separately. One helpful financial tool is CASHInsight, a program that helps companies to account for interest expense from earnings before interest and taxes are calculated. This is also known as the interest coverage ratio. These programmes make a useful money calculator for your income as well as tax calculator to keep track of expenses. Another benefit of CASH is that it shows how to calculate tangible net worth. This makes a fantastic rate calculator to offer competitive pricing. Before ordering the software, take the time to visit the site as seminars are offered on how to install the programme. It also advises on whether this lending software is right for you and your company.

How to reach financial tools

Consider Financial Tools to optimise the client/banker relationship and to organise your finances. To get a complete listing of information on how to invest more effectively with Financial Tools, visit or call toll free at 1-888-765-4939. If inquiring outside the United States, please dial 1-949-752-0960. You can email your general inquiries to the Support group at An online inquiry can be submitted at the Financial Tools website which allow 24 hours for response. Address your letter to Financial Tools, 17310 Red HIll Avenue, Irvine, CA 92614.

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