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A guide to online picture storage

Storing your picture is an essential task nowadays for numerous reasons. With the emergence of current technology, picture storing online is a very simple and painless process that will offer you nothing but benefits. So, it is best to take advantage of them now. Since there are many different services, this article will help you to narrow down your choices. Read this guide to online picture storage.

How it works?

Usually, a site or company will give you a certain amount of storage that you can store on their server, or give you a limit on how much you can upload in a given time. This is how most photo services work, and you can always pay to upgrade storage. Your other alternative is to use a generic online storage feature. For example, this will be a service such as Dropbox or Cloud that are not meant specifically for photo storage, but mainly to act as an online flash drive in which you can carry data in. The best option is to go with a dedicated photo storing company, and the reasons are mentioned below.

Dedicated photo storing sites

The two most popular ones that you have heard of will be Picasa and Flickr. While there are numerous other semi-big names such as Photobucket, these two get the most traffic and is the best solution right now. Picasa offers you a good amount of storage, and you can upgrade to different levels for a very low price, whereas Flickr gives you a monthly limit with an option to upgrade to a better account for a decently priced fee. If you are just looking to save your photos and interested in sharing it with the people whom you know, Picasa is the way to go. Their software will help you to keep your photos organised on the computer and upload to the server very easily, whereas Flickr is more for dedicated photographers who want feedback for their photos. As you can see, the two services vary greatly depending on exactly what you want to do. While there are numerous other options in the market, there is no need to try them because these two are probably the best options, and you will not be able to find a better deal anywhere else. After all, both of them can be free as long as you are not a professional photographer.

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