A review of 'The Rise of Christianity' by Rodney Stark
‘The Rise of Christianity’ by Rodney Stark offers a sociological explanation for the miraculous popularity of Christianity. It explains why a small breakaway group of Jews who followed Jesus Christ and lived in tiny Judea, spread the word of the Messiah. It reached millions in the short span of three centuries after the crucifixion of Christ.
Lyon to Jerusalem
One reason for the rise of Christianity is rooted in the size of the Roman Empire itself. The unified Empire allowed St. Paul to spread the word of Christ to distant countries and cities. In the West, he went as far as Lugdunum (Lyon, France), Rome and in the East, he went to Damascus and Jerusalem.
The three plagues
Another explanation is the loving attention with which Christians cared for the sick. This is applicable especially during the time of the three plague epidemics of
165-180 AD (Antonine Plague), 251-270AD ( Cyprian Plague) and in 541-542 AD
(Justinian Plague.) Christians took care of non-Christians in these difficult times. Consequently, many people converted to Christianity.
Missionary zeal
Missionary zeal was a contributor to the rise of Christianity. There were nearly six million Jews in the European diaspora. St. Paul and his followers spoke about the new religion in synagogues. At least, 20 percent of these Jews converted to Christianity. Christians explained to the world the significance of the suffering of Christ and the redemption of suffering in heaven.
An urban religion
A significant explanation by Rodney Stark for the popularity of Christianity lies in the new role which was envisaged by Christianity for women. Christianity gave equal rights to women. It also brought in positive new concepts of monogamy, abhorrence of infanticide and a ban on abortions. This led to the growth of a larger female population. Female infants were killed by pagans who considered them as burdens on the family.
The disciples also contributed in spreading Christianity through their storytelling about Jesus Christ. Using parables, they told stories about Christianity for kids, whereby their interest was aroused. Girls accepted Christianity readily. Even if they married a pagan man, they soon converted their husbands to Christianity.
Another fresh view point presented by Stark is that Christianity grew in the cities and it was a religion of the middle and upper classes. He also points out that the sacrifices of the martyrs convinced new Christians to hold on to their new faith.
Christianity had always been thought of as having its seed amongst the poor.
Stark explains that all the apostles and their followers went to cities to teach the new religion. Rodney Stark’s sociologically reasoned explanations have been accepted by Christians and scholars. His book is a great commentary about Christianity through its history.