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A review of Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken (1991)

Based on a true story, Wild Hearts Can’t Be Broken is an American film released in 1991 and directed by Steve Miner. It took over $7 million at the US box office. This article will provide a review on this film.

An inspiring story

Wild Hearts Can’t Be Broken is a Disney family film that tells the story of a young girl in Depression-era America who escapes from the threat of being sent to an orphanage by running away to join the circus. The horse-mad youngster is enthralled by the "Diving Girl" act, where a glamorous woman leaps with a horse from a 40ft platform into a pool. Undeterred by her youth and lack of experience, she sets out to achieve her dream. Even when faced with tragedy, she never foregoes her desire.

Wonderfully warm family film

This wonderfully warm Disney film is an usual tale and a real old-fashioned treat. The English actress Gabrielle Anwar plays the beautiful spirited Sonora Webster, a sassy young woman who won’t take no for an answer. "'If you want something bad enough, anything's possible,'' Sonora says and her philosophy serves her well as she works her way up from simple stable hand to star performer. It is always encouraging to see a feisty female role model who fights courageously for what she wants and Anwar, despite her delicate beauty, makes an inspiring lead. Relationship and love The developing relationship between her and the carnival’s master showman Doc Carver (Cliff Robertson) is nicely performed. It could easily have strayed into sentimentality as she earns his trust and respect through hard work and stubbornness, but Milner manages to avoid this.This is a Disney movie, so the romance between Sonora and Doc’s son Al (Michael Schoeffling) is sweet and understated rather than sizzling. However, it is amusing how the love of a good woman can suddenly change a rebel into a romantic so quickly. Overall, Wild Hearts Cant Be Broken is a charming family film which will appeal to more girls than boys, especially those who love horses. At just over 90 minutes, it is a thoroughly enjoyable old-fashioned film which knows how impress people who love romantic films, with a likeable cast and an inspiring heroine.

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