A review of "Mindfulness In Plain English" by B.H. Gunaratana
Ber H. Gunaratana's meditation book is written in a simple way to allow readers interested in Eastern and Buddhist meditation, not only to understand the basics of Mindfulness, but to practice and live it in their daily life. This article reviews B.H. Gunaratana's Mindfulness In Plain English.
Wisdom through meditation
Mindfulness, translated as awareness, is the Buddhist belief in achieving wisdom through meditation. Gunaratana argues for what he calls "meditation in everyday life" by following his simple instructions on how to meditate. He offers tips, and gives specific examples of how to overcome the distractions of daily life during meditation. Who is Ber H. Gunaratana? Gunaratana is a respected Sri Lankan Theravada Buddhist monk, who has taught Buddhism at universities and lecture halls across the world. Mindfulness in Modern English, Gunaratna claims, was written to give readers a clear and helpful guide to learn to meditate, and appreciate the 2,500-year old Buddhist religion.
Positive points
Refreshing clarity
For those weary of diving straight into the more traditional and theoretical books on meditation, Mindfulness In Plain English is written with a refreshing clarity and easy-to-understand style. It is thanks to Gunaratana who simplifies quite complicated aspects of Buddhism such as Vipassana meditation.
A universal book
Mindfulness in Plain English is a universal book for anyone wishing to discover the benefits and practice of mindfulness within Eastern religion. It's written in such a way that anyone can follow the instructions on achieving mindfulness. As Gunaratana claims in the book, "The more you sit, the more you learn about the real nature of your own existence."
Negative points
Not a comprehensive book The simple style of the book will not suit those looking for a more comprehensive book. Certain chapters are also too brief to gain a fuller understanding of what's required, for example, a 10-page chapter on 'what do to with your mind' during meditation might require readers to do some more research on their own. A simple "how to book" This book was also not written to try to convince you of the benefits of meditation, but in Gunaratana's own words, it is a simple "how to book" teaching you how to medicate. Those looking for a historical book on the history of Buddhist meditation might be disappointed.