All about: Barclays car insurance
Car insurance is an extremely competitive market anywhere in the world. İt is legally binding to insure your car before it goes on the road. Barclays car insurance will be detailed in this article to enable you to understand what Barclays can offer you.
Barclays car insurance
Have you bought a new car? It is legally binding to insure the car before it hits the road. More than that, it is also a financially wise decision to sufficiently insure your vehicle so that you get compensated for any loss or damage caused to your vehicle in future. Comprehensive motor insurance Barclays offer a comprehensive car insurance scheme which will insure your vehicle for damages caused due to accident and theft. In addition to that, you can also get your vehicle insured for damages caused due to breakdowns, bad weather, fire and natural calamities, and so on. Budget car insurance Budget car insurance is custom-made insurance plans wherein you can design you own policy as per your needs and budget. Therefore, Barclays offer you the luxury of designing and customising your own car insurance policy.
What does it cover?
How you are covered
It covers your car from thefts, damage and accidents, and also includes personal accident covers, in-car audio equipments, and accident recovery and repair services. The application process is quiet hassle-free and can be purchased from authorised agents, local office branches, brokers and online. If the insurance policy is purchased online, the company offers a ten percent discount on premium.
Additional features of comprehensive car policy by Barclays car insurance include round the clock customer service, a guarantee of three years on repair work, third party fire, third party only and theft cover, and free cover for 60 days when you travel to Europe by your car.
Third party car insurance feature
Third party car indemnity is meant for those people who want to be law-abiding and want to get cover for their cars as prescribed by the local laws. Basic features of third party car insurance are liability covers for death or injury to passengers, or any other person involved in the accident. Legal fees are also included in this.
Liability towards property damaged by your car in case of an accident is also given cover. If the damaged car is less than a year old and is totally damaged because of the accident, then the Barclays replace the car instead of repairing it.