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All about: Dr. Robert Young and the pH miracle diet

Dr. Robert Young is the writer of “The pH Miracle”, a book about nutrition and health. Dr. Young has dedicated more than twenty years to creating the pH balance diet, which focuses on alkalising and energising the body. Read on to find out more about the concept of the pH miracle diet.

More about the theories of Dr. Young

According to Dr. Young, many of the foods we eat create an acidic reaction in our body, which slows down metabolism and makes us more susceptible to disease. The human body is by nature slightly alkaline and to be healthy, we need to bring the body’s pH back to normal levels. This can be achieved by eating more alkaline foods and fewer acidic foods. Acidity: Effects and estimations Acidity forces the body to use valuable minerals in order to neutralise the extra acid. Acidity also promotes the development of harmful bacteria and toxins that can disrupt the proper functioning of the liver and thyroid. This can result in slow metabolism, low energy, chronic fatigue and weight gain especially around the belly. Acidity is estimated based on the pH scale, which starts from 0 and ends at 14. A pH of approximately 7 is considered neutral. Foods and substances with a pH of less than 7 are acidic and those with a pH higher than 7 are alkaline.

Acidic foods which you should avoid

According to the pH diet, it’s essential to reduce the consumption of the following foods: sugar, meat, dairy, yeast, chocolate, alcohol, foods high in fat, peanuts, cashews, pistachios, coffee, fruit juices, hydrogenated oils, vinegar, white pasta, white bread, artificial sweeteners, honey and canned foods.

Alkaline foods which you can eat

In terms of alkaline foods, you need to consume live vegetables, which also called super greens, and sprouts. The super greens include barley grass, celery, kale, broccoli, cabbage, parsley, thyme, rosemary, sage, spinach, wheatgrass and more. These foods will alkalise your body and make you healthier. What about fruits? Robert O. Young claims that fruits should be eaten in moderation, because even though fruits contain a lot of antioxidants, they also contain a lot of sugar. The best fruits to eat are lemons and limes, which have an alkalising affect and also grapefruits and watermelons, which are closer to a neutral pH.

Can the “The pH Miracle” help you to lose weight?

A pH diet is generally intended for overall health and not for weight loss. This diet plan doesn’t teach you anything about portion control and managing cravings, so it may not really help with weight loss.

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