All about: Jewelers Mutual Insurance
Jewelers Mutual Insurance is an American insurance company, which specialises in jewelery insurance. In business now, since 1913, Jewelers Mutual Insurance offers a wide range of options, both for the personal and business customer. This article will provide information on Jewelers Mutual Insurance.
Overview of Jewellers Mutual Insurance
Jewelers Mutual Insurance was founded in 1913, and its company headquarters is in Neenah, Wisconsin.
It offers coverage both for Citizens of the USA and for Canada, and it is licenced in all 50 states of the US and in every province in Canada, except for Quebec.
Been a mutually owned company, it is in effect owned by its policy holder, both personal and business ones.
Its profits are rolled-back into the company for the benefit of all policy holders. Jewelers Mutual operates via independent agents across the US and Canada.
Financial rating
Jewelers Mutual Insurance has managed to maintain an A+ credit rating, with A.M Best for the past 24 years.
Jeweler Mutual Insurance offerings
Personal insurance
Why pick Jewelers Mutual?
· Gemonologists on staff.
· All customer service representatives are licensed as insurance agents.
· A+ credit rating.
· Exclusively endorsed by the American Gem Society, Jewelers of America, and the Canadian Jewelers organisation.
Level of coverage
· Jewelery damage.
· Jeweler loss.
· Jeweler theft.
· Mysterious disappearance.
Unique selling features of Jewelers Mutual insurance
There is no deductible necessary with Jewellers Mutual, when a claim is settled. Thus, there is no personal deduction taken.
Rather, Jewelers Mutual will pay about 100% on the claim.
Jewelery replacement is of the same kind, and quality of repair or replacement to an equivalent value and quality.
Choose your own jewelers
When replacing a piece of jewelery, there will be no need for multiple estimates. Also, the customer can go to any jeweler they choose to use.
Important considerations
-Coverage for unscheduled jewelery
Jewelery values vary, consequently if an item of Jewelers is worth less than $1000, it can be insured under "unscheduled jewelery" option.
This will save money on insurance costs.
-Security system discount
Discounts are available for houses, which have alarm systems.
-Business jewelery insurance
Flexible insurance
Jewelers mutual insurance covers the full range of jewelers, including manufacturer, wholesalers, retailers and speciality jewels.
The policies, which are available, for businesses are:
-Jewelers Block, which covers stock, owned by or held by the jeweler.
-Jewelers' standard provides up to $500,000 to cover jewelery losses.
-Business Owners Package provides property and liability insurance for non stock items.
-Commercial Umbrella Liability Protection against catastrophic liability situations.
-Personal Jewelery Insurance provides protection for personal jewellery items.