All about: eVan insurance
For online van insurance, eVan is an excellent coverage provider for a wide array of transportative properties. Offering some of the most competitive home, car, van and bike insurance quotes, you need look no further than eVan insurance online. There are even permanent discounts available for the life of your policy. Discover why eVan is an excellent choice for all.
How to contact eVan
For eVan insurance quotes, visit eVan online at Once you are there, check out 'Standard' policy and 'Pay As You Go' policy under 'Product Information'. Offering unique solutions, eVan allows its customers to choose the most convenient method of paying their premiums.
After you've learned of its payment methods, click the yellow box on the left side of the page "Get a Quote" to compare prices. If preferred, customer service representatives are available to assist you with quotes or with general information at 0906 736 6521. You can also amen, or renew policies from the comfort of your home via the website.
Payment options
EVan insurance offers two payment options (known as Product Information on the website) for their bike, home, car, or van insurance quotes customers.
Standard policy
The first is the Standard policy, offering many of the same features that you find with other typical insurance companies. Main features of the standard policy include: Multiple driver coverage and daily coverage under the European Union
Pay as you go policy
The Pay as you go policy is designed for the customer who needs occasional coverage, and not year-round. Customers are sent a monthly notice to inform them that the policy automatically renews if they do nothing. Cancellation of the policy is simple and instantaneous via the website.
Bonus features
The NCD accelerator marks one of the most sought-after discounts offered by eVan that also makes the company very unique. NCD stands for No Claims Discounts. If you have five years of no claims with eVan insurance, a sizeable discount is available for the life of your policy. This drives a hard bargain for opposing insurance companies while helping to build customer loyalty. The NCD accelator is also available in smaller increments as well. Acquiring 40 months of no claims with eVans insurance awards customers with a five year discount applied monthly. The NCD accelerator is available with the Pay as you go policy only.