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Black History Month bulletin ideas

There are many ways to approach Black history. Here are several ideas for a Black History Month bulletin board. The plight of the African American can be better understood through the icons, events, and places which have helped to shape their culture.

Modern Black history typically begins with the 1800s and continues through present day. Draw a time line of important dates in Black history, like the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 and the beginning of Black History Month in 1970. Your bulletin board can feature key individuals in Black history. Certain advancements in Black history were made by the sacrifices and accomplishments of brave individuals like Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln. How to present the ideas on the bulletin board - Make a column called "Difference Makers" and give short biographies on these legendary figures. - Place important moments on your Black History Month bulletin board. Key events like the Washington, D.C., march of 1963, and the subsequent "I Have A Dream" speech by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. are pivotal moments in Black history. - Make a column for "Key Events" and list them here. - A great idea for your Black History Month bulletin board is to highlight inventions and products created by African Americans. The scientist Benjamin Banneker is credited with America's first clock and George Washington Carver is the creator of more than 300 peanut products. - Black History Month can be further studied by exploring the places and locations which hold a significance to the African American plight. For example, the world famous Apollo Theatre in Harlem, New York has hosted performances from some of the greatest African American singers. - Make cut-out versions of special locations and paste them to your bulletin board.

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