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Digital projectors available in the UK

Digital projectors are devices that electronically project images onto projection screens (e.g OHP, typical cinema projector or a box attached to the ceiling). In this article, I will explore different digital projectors and the pros and cons of them.

Home Cinema

Screens and hd projector boxes may be permanently installed in one’s home as they are in cinemas. Indeed, the very rich often shell out large sums for cinema projectors (good projector prices at around £5,000, even more, and £500 upwards for top-of-the-range projector point boxes) to create ‘home cinemas’. These are smallish rooms, accommodating say 10-20, dedicated to playing films or sport in a cinema-like environment. Home projectorsHHH hk are available from around £60 for use in one’s living room, for example. It is also not always necessary to have a projector box to project as some DVD machines and game consoles can be set up to connect with projection screens.

In Academia and the workplace

Digital projection is also now prevalent in academia and the workplace. In schools, the first projector screens were brought in around 10-20 years ago in the form of Over Head Projectors (OHPs). These projected special A4 sheets on blackboards and whiteboards. Now, whiteboards which can be projected onto are expected and interactive whiteboards (which respond to touch) commonplace. Also, Powerpoint presentations are so common now in business that they have become a kind of cliché.

Pros and cons

So, the wide variety of usage illustrates many pros of digital projectors. For example, the ease of presenting and their eye-catching nature, especially to large numbers, such as school classes. Portable set-ups are also available, which can be useful, for example, for businesses who want to pitch to different companies and/or at different exhibitions. Also, as mentioned, with the requisite money for top-of-the-range digital projector equipment, a thrilling cinema atmosphere may be recreated in one’s own home! However, with media available almost everywhere, digital projectors could be seen as somewhat of as an expensive luxury. Without the right money, digital projectors can amount to little more than a decent TV set-up. Also, they can be impractical/inconvenient in small rooms and if one is not the most technologically/DIY minded, they can be a hassle and/or expensive to set up.

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