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Do I need a degree for a network engineer career?

Depending on your place of residence, previous work experience, determination, and flexibility, it should be possible to find IT engineer jobs. It won't be easy though. Many employers won't even consider you for the position, and those who do will probably have a group of more qualified candidates to choose from. Below are a few routes to consider that may get you the job you want.

Resume building

Since not having a degree has already put you behind the competition when a potential employer looks at your resume, it only makes sense that something else on it has to stand out. Whether that means a list of technical certifications, years of relevant work experience, or, better yet, both, depends on your situation. Certifications Anyone looking for a network engineer career has a list of certifications. You are going to need to have all the ones they do plus some specialisation if you want your resume noticed. The specialisation depends on the particular job you are pursuing. Because of this, going with the certification route can be effective, but has the downside of limiting your options. Work experience This route is the slowest, but also has the best chance of success as far as traditional approaches to job hunting are concerned. Start with a network support job such as a help desk or an administration internship and work your way up through the ranks. It may be time consuming and there are still no guarantees, but if you show your employer over time that you are the right man for the job, opportunities will present themselves.

Going off the beaten path

The other option available for negating the disadvantage of lacking a degree is to take a less common approach. If there are too many more qualified people applying for the job you want, look somewhere they don't. Network engineers are needed all over the world, and there are plenty of websites that specialise in expatriate jobs. There are difficulties associated with moving to a new country, dealing with a new culture, and most likely, having to learn a new language, but in many parts of the world, the talent pool of qualified candidates just isn't large enough to fill the available positions. Final word Obviously, this isn't a feasible path for everyone, but, for job seekers able to pursue it, it's a path that just might net you the job of your dreams and a new place to call home.

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