First American home warranty: The facts
First American home warranty provides repair and replacement coverage for a home's most essential appliances and systems, It is a service contract which is crucial to meet various financial challenges which a homeowner can have in future with respect to various breakdowns in his home. Besides, a First American home warranty also provides financial protection to mechanical failures such as clogged pipes, furnace failures, appliances which do not perform correctly.
Home warranty is important for home owners for it assures financial assistance in any kind of mechanical breakdown which may appear in future but not covered in the home insurance. A home warranty is different from a home insurance as the latter does not cover mechanical failures.
Protection against unforeseen events
Thus, a First American home warranty ensures a home buyer that he his home is protected against unexpected mechanical failures. Similarly, home sellers too like to have a home warranty as this feature helps them sell to their homes easily. With a home warranty homeowners receive round the clock service from mechanics from the insurance company.
A home warranty gives confidence to sellers, buyers and agents as it can be used for meeting out the costs of breakdowns before, during, and after the sale of the home. Ideally, a home warranty covers plumbing, electrical, heating systems, major appliances e.g. refrigerators, dishwashers, ovens, etc.
Issues with First American home warranty
Most homeowners do not use home warranty for the simple reason that it comes with additional cost and not necessarily guarantees everything inside a home.
Moreover, when buying a home warranty, the homeowner should read the document carefully as several clauses are ambiguous with respect to covering a large number of home repairs or breakdowns of machinery in home e.g. the coverage for plumbing does not include anything outside the home's foundation.
Words of suggestion
Nevertheless, choosing First American home warranty is a nice idea whereby homeowners avoid any worries with respect to any future breakdown of home accessories. However, homeowners should read their Home Warranty contracts carefully before signing, for broad understanding of the warranty and its coverage.