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Five reasons to use employment lawyers

Workplace-related incidents, management policy, sackings, can lead to employee consternation, which can then lead on to lawsuits. Employee lawsuits can slow down the business, cause morale-loss and loss of profits. Every business-owner makes the decisions which he feels is right for his company. Therefore, he must protect his business from harmful lawsuits. It therefore, makes sense to use the services of an employment lawyer, and here are the five reasons why it can be helpful for a business.

Five reasons to use employment lawyers

1. The Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Rules (TUPE) protects employees from dismissal and any change in their working terms and conditions. With the economic recession looming large, companies are often forced to sell out or merge with other firms to survive. This leads to invoking theTUPE. TUPE (as referred to in British law) is not easy, and an employment lawyer is required to interpret it and swing things around. 2. Companies must be very careful about discussing certain issues with employees and passing on information to them. Employees are well aware of their rights and entitlements, and even a bit of information, which seems to be in the regular course of business can have the potential to cause a lawsuit. Companies must consult an employment lawyer to know about their rights and law information related to information dissemination. 3. It is unsafe to allow the HR Department to tackle serious employee issues. Hiring an employment lawyer can help companies to understand legal positions, and even stave off possible lawsuits. 4. The law requires companies to enter into formal consultations when certain situations arise, for example, when employees are made redundant for a certain period, during a re-structuring or re-shuffling exercise. Another example is regarding the rights of the Trade Unions.
Companies and their HR Department cannot be expected to tackle these redundancy rules/law, employer law, employee law, family laws, and other complicated rules. Therefore, they need an employment lawyer to interpret the provisions of the law. 5. Employment lawyers can help companies to resolve cases at the tribunal level. Very often, they help in resolving cases out-of-court. This helps companies to keep legal costs down, and also save on time.
Employment laws keep changing and getting added to, along with all the judgments which are pronounced every now and then. It makes sense for every company to stay up-to-speed with employment advice and therefore, it makes practical business sense to hire an employment lawyer.

To sum up

Employment lawyers provide sterling HR support. HR departments cannot be expected to act as employment lawyers. As employment law changes and needs compliance, every company must retain the services of an employment lawyer.

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