GEICO motorcycle insurance: The facts
People who ride a motorcycle need to invest in a reliable insurance policy. One option that is available to motorcycle users is a Geico insurance policy. This policy will pay for any damages that the insured motorcycle may get in an accident. Also Geico motorcycle insurance will pay for a replacement bike if the insured one is stolen.
The basics of getting a geico motorcycle insurance policy
Before setting up a Geico motorcycle policy buyers will need to get a free quote. This can be done online or by contacting the company on the phone. Geico also has offline offices that consumers can visit if they want to talk to somebody in person. Getting a quote for this insurance is not as simple as it may sound. Buyers will need to have specific information about the make and model of their bike before they can get a quote. Insurers will also want to know how the bike will be secured when it is not in use. Motorcycles are very attractive to thieves so it is advisable to get an immobilizer. Those that do not want to do this should chain their bike up. If the bike is not held in a secure location Geico may decline to insure it for theft. Once the buyer is happy with the quote they can set the insurance policy up. A comprehensive policy will cover the bike for theft, accidental damage and legal liability that may arise from an accident. For example if a rider crashes his bike into a courier truck and the driver gets whiplash, the rider of the motorcycle will be responsible for his medical fees. Geico will make liability payments for situations like this.
Managing a geico insurance policy
One of the biggest benefits of having insurance with Geico is that the company has an excellent online system where customers can log in and manage their insurances. People who use this feature will be able to check balances and make payments online. Other benefits of using this online service is customers can check their deductibles, file a claim and check on the progress of current claims. Consumers can also request proof of insurance to be sent to them using this method.