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How to burn fat fast: effective ways to lose weight

Life would be easier if we did not have to worry about how much we weighed and still fit into our favourite clothes. Unfortunately, life is not like that, but you can speed up your metabolism so that you can enjoy eating and still fit in your favourite jeans.

Boost the metabolism

Speeding up metabolism
The only way to burn fat fast is to speed up your metabolism. As you age, metabolism levels slow down and sometimes need a bit of a kick or a boost to get charged up again. Luckily, there are many ways to recharge and boost your metabolism back up so you can start burning fat fast again.

7 Ways to burn fat faster

Exercise as soon as you wake up
Get up in the morning, do your workout routine, and then eat breakfast. By exercising before you eat breakfast, you force your body to use the stored fat for energy rather than feed it some energy beforehand. This can burn up to 3 times more calories than working out at any other time of the day. Eat breakfast
Never skip breakfast. This is the kick-start to your day. By eating breakfast, you get your metabolism revved up and then it is easier to keep it going to burn and lose fat throughout the day. Drink green tea
Green tea is known for its many health benefits, but it is also known as the fat burning tea. It helps to raise metabolic rates and speed up fat oxidation. What this means is that calories burn while the digestion and absorption of food is going on. Eat some iron
If there is not enough iron in the blood, then the body does not get enough oxygen from the cells. When the body does not get enough oxygen, the metabolism slows down. So, it is important to eat iron rich foods or take supplements if you have low iron levels. Pump some iron
Pumping iron is just as important as eating it. Including weight training tones your workout plans a and increases your metabolic rate. This means that after a good weight training workout, your body will continue to burn calories while you sit down and do nothing for a few hours afterward. Do dairy
Do not avoid milk and dairy products in fear of gaining weight. Low-fat milk, yogurt, and cheeses are full of calcium. Calcium tells your body to burn excess fat faster, helping you to lose weight. Drink ice water
For a fast fat burn, drink ice water.Your body burns calories just warming it up and absorbing it. After it is absorbed, your metabolism rate stays 30 percent higher for up to 90 minutes afterwards burning fat.

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