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How to choose baby Moses baskets

When you bring your baby home and feel that a cot is too big for your newborn, you may decide to use carrycot, crib or Moses basket instead. A Moses basket is a good choice for your little one because it provides a small, comfortable place for him/her to sleep. So what do you look for when choosing one?

Look at the basket

The first thing to look at when choosing a Moses basket is the basket. You will need a wicker basket that has been constructed well and that is sturdy. The handles of the basket must be strong and meet in the middle as you will be carrying the whole basket around quite often.

Type of mattress

Take a look at the mattress to make sure that not only does it meet your standards, but it should pass by British Standards. The mattress will have a label attached to it, with the symbol on it. Look for a well-padded mattress as this will protect your baby when he/she is using it.

Decorative detail

There are a lot of variables to consider when deciding how you want your Moses basket to look. You can choose from a skirted frame, soft quilted bumpers, beautiful bows or a special baby theme. There is no right or wrong choice, so keep looking until you find a style which you prefer. It is worth remembering that the first colours a baby usually sees are black and white. If you choose other colours for the decoration, try to get any baby gifts in black and white.

Baby bedding

Bedding sets are available in a variety of styles and fabrics. You can choose co-ordinate your baby’s bedding with the nursery colours or simply choose a style you like. You should also make sure that you choose a bedding set that keeps your baby snug and comfortable while they sleep, so choosing bedding sets according to the season is important.

Moses basket stand

When choosing a stand, you must check them to ensure that they are strong enough to keep your baby secure. Basket stands are usually made of a variety of wood finishes that compliment the bedding and the basket. Some available stands can rock the Moses basket, merging the benefits of the basket with a cradle. The best Moses baskets are portable and lightweight, and are the ideal size for your baby. They are an excellent way to keep your baby with you at all times, no matter where you are.

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