How to create a CV like a pro resume writer
Getting ahead in the world is tough, even during boom periods. Competition for the best jobs is fierce and sometimes hundreds of people can all be vying for one position. Having a good CV or resume is crucial to getting ahead of the crowd and being offered that dream job, but what makes a high-quality CV?
First impression
As harsh as it sounds, employers will often judge a person within seconds of looking at their CV, which is why the best CV's are flawless reflections of a person's identity. Double check and then check again to make sure that there are no spelling or grammar errors to be seen and use crisp, clean paper that displays how professional and dependable you are. Making a good first impression could be the difference between getting the job and being left in the cold. Length It's easy to think that long CV's immediately equal better chances of success, but the very best CV's are condensed and are often one page long. Of course, don't compromise the quality of your history and if you have more information than can possibly fit on one page then don't be afraid to put it down, but remember, a CV should be able to sum up your past quickly and simply. Therefore, the shorter, the better.
Honesty is the best policy
It is always better to tell the truth, even if there are some less-than-impressive moments in your past. A quick check is all it takes to expose a scam, ruining any chance of earning a call-back, or even worse, being asked a question in an interview that you simply don't know the answer to, based on the information written down on your resume. Sell yourself as best as you can, but don't lie to increase your chances of success.
Include details such as your name, address and phone number, as well as key-word summaries of your education and experience. Put your strongest aspect at the top of the CV, immediately highlighting why you are the strongest candidate for the role. If applying to multiple jobs, try and keep the information relevant to the particular employer you are applying to, even if that means keeping more than one copy of the CV.
Final word
Add a short profile about yourself, highlighting your skills and relevant interests to the job in question, showing a passion for something can be enough to earn you a call back for an interview. Good luck!