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How to cure dandruff?

Your entire body surface continuously sheds dead skin cells. Dandruff is the shedding of dead skin from your scalp and its happening at an excessive rate. It is usually caused by dehydration of the scalp and is the result of the normal growing process of the skin cells of the scalp. It is easy to treat dandruff naturally.

What are the causes of dandruff and what is it?

There are two different types of dandruff. 1. Seborrhea Dermatitis - If your scalp is very greasy then you may suffer from this which will result in the skin being flaky and possibly be weeping. This condition almost always needs medical attention but if it is a very mild case it can be treated using just a standard anti dandruff shampoo. 2. Pityriasis-capitis - This is the most common form of dandruff caused by dehydration of the scalp and can be caused by diet or even stress.

Natural Dandruff Cures

There are some fantastic natural dandruff cures which you can use instead of dandruff shampoos. Here are just a few of the home remedies for a dry scalp. One of the most important things is to try and improve the circulation of blood flow to the area (head). Obviously it's better to not do this by constantly scratching, however brushing your hair everyday will help. Also lightly massaging your scalp each day with your fingertips will also help improve the circulation. Hot oil therapy is another way to help dandruff control. Start by massaging hot oil into the scalp at bedtime. The next morning an hour before you shower, rub lemon juice mixed with cosmetic vinegar with a mix of 1:2 into the scalp and give the hair a good wash with egg shampoo. You could also try altering your diet. If you are healthy on the inside then it will show on the outside. Try to include more raw vegetables and some fruits in your daily diet. It's even been said by some dandruff sufferers that having nothing but fruit for a few days helps to cure dandruff. Also you could try instead of using shampoo to wash your hair use baking soda. Massage a good handful into your hair and scalp which will help absorb any excess oils and also loosen the dead skin. Once you've given it a good massage, rinse thoroughly and use nothing else on your hair. It will at the beginning make your hair feel dry but after some time the dandruff will be gone and your hair will feel soft and look silky again.

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