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How to deal with workplace harassment

In the workplace, every employee has the right to feel comfortable and safe. Every employee is also responsible for ensuring that this right is observed and respected. Unfortunately, harassment in the workplace can still occur. Everyone must know how to recognise harassment at work and how to deal with these situations. This article gives an overview of workplace harassment and suggest ways in which an individual can deal with this.

What is harassment?

The legal definition of harassment varies according to each country and its governing laws. Generally, harassment involves unwelcome behaviour from a person that causes an individual or group of individuals to be uncomfortable or embarrassed. In most cases, the response of the receiver of the action is what defines harassment more than the intent behind the action. Types of harassment
Creating a hostile work environment is one of the types of harassment an employee can commit. This involves making offensive remarks and jokes, posting or sending offensive materials, unwelcome touching, bullying and violence in the workplace. Workplace harassment and bullying may involve actions that could physically harm and instill fear in the victim. The different forms of bullying could affect a person's physical, mental and emotional well-being. Making disparaging remarks based on the gender, race, religion and age of a person can be deemed as racial and sexual harassment. Another type of workplace harassment that can only be committed by managers or those in the position of authority involves any job-related threats that are made or could involve firing, demotion, disciplinary action or any undesirable changes made to the circumstances of the victim.

Dealing with workplace harassment

Tell them to stop In some cases, talking to the people committing the offensive behaviour is the best start to solving the problem. Explain how you feel and ask them to stop. They might be unaware of offending you and would stop when confronted. File a complaint However, if the bullying and harassment continues or worsens, it is best to approach your manager and file a formal complaint. Consult with your manager about the workplace policies for reporting situations involving workplace harassment. Discuss the actions that should be taken to resolve the situation. Approach higher authorities You may also choose to approach your HR department, especially if the harassment is committed by your manager. Be prepared for possible investigation and mediation sessions that can be conducted toward resolving the situation. Final word Every employee must adapt a zero tolerance approach to harassment because it damages the well-being of the workplace. You should know what constitutes harassment and how to deal with the situation. Every employee has the right to feel safe at work and this must also be respected by everyone.

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