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How to find engineering jobs in Canada

Made up of three territories and ten provinces, Canada is located on the northern part of the North American continent between the Atlantic, Pacific and Artic Oceans. Canada is part of the British Commonwealth and is experiencing a skilled labour shortage. In particular, the country is in need of trained engineers. Those interested in discovering how to find engineering jobs in Canada will benefit from the tips given in this article.

Construction agencies

Construction agencies often have use for construction engineers. These professionals are in charge of planning and designing the construction of infrastructures such as bridges, railroads and buildings. Many of these professionals also serve as on-site construction managers. Educated construction engineers should contact the Human Resources (HR) offices of any Canadian construction agency they are interested in working for. If they are to work as foreign labour in Canada, they should inquire about the company's policy on visa assistance for foreigners.

Engineering recruiting agencies

Canada has recruiting agencies which focus on bringing educated engineers to the country. Those who are professionally educated should consider sending their resumes, proof of education and recommendation letters to these agencies. In the cover letter, it should be clearly stated whether or not the applicant is a citizen of Canada and whether he is looking for job visa assistance.

On the Internet

In the age of modern technology, one can find a Canadian engineering job via the Internet. Typing in "Canadian Engineering Firm" will bring up a list of companies which an applicant can use in his search. Consider calling or emailing the agencies and inquiring about work possibilities. Ask to speak with the HR offices of the engineering companies and request information on job visa sponsorship. Offer to email or fax any information that the company would need from you.

Governmental work

Governmental work is a possibility for educated engineers. Civil engineers, architectural engineers and agricultural engineers are some of the specialists who might find work with the Canadian government. Potential applicants should decide if they want to work at the province level of the government or in the commune level. Inquires should be directed to the HR department. Job openings are usually found online as well. Benefits for working with the government include guaranteed vacations on national holidays. References:
- Canada's Labour Shortage -
- Canada's Engineer Shortage -

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