How to keep track of phone numbers and addresses
Everyone has face this at some point or another - you know you have a number or address of a person you wish to contact, but have no idea where you wrote it down. Learn some simple ways to help you to keep track of phone numbers and addresses, reducing time and unwanted stress.
Store phone numbers and addresses
Buy an address book The best way to store all your addresses and phone numbers, including friends' telephone numbers and business numbers, is to buy a handbag-sized address book. Head to your nearest branch of WHSmith or local stationery supplier and purchase an address book which is easily recognisable and fits in your handbag. Then, locate all the numbers and addresses (snail mail and email) you have accumulated over the years and write them down in alphabetical order in your new telephone and address book. Store numbers and addresses on your phone or iPad If the very idea of purchasing an address book seems a little bit too outdated, simply use your mobile phone, iPad or other portable devices to record phone lists and email/phone information. As long as you do not lose your phone or whatever communication device you use, it will also be easy to search business and social contacts with a quick phone check. This means no more having to waste time on business finder sites and endless web searching.
Back up phone numbers and addresses
Store numbers and addresses online Due to the large number of mobile phones, handbags, iPads, iPhones, Blackberrys and other types of communication devices that end up lost or stolen, it is well worth taking the time to back up all your important UK phone numbers, international numbers and addresses on your home computer. Once you have typed this list (to be updated every month or so), remember to send an email with the list as an attachment, so that you are now able to access important numbers anywhere you have a Wi-Fi connection. It is also worth printing out a list of essential numbers and addresses if you are planning on going on a travel and will be unlikely to have access to internet connection for long periods of time.