How to make your own t-shirts
In these days of mass-produced clothes, many people would like to have something different, unique, or personalised. One way of doing this is to make your own t-shirts. This article looks briefly at making t-shirts from scratch. It then investigates the different types of printed tees that are possible - logo printing, photos on t-shirts, custom tees, among others.
Making your own t-shirt
Procedures Actually making a t-shirt from scratch is quite easy. You simply need to find a source of cotton jersey, and either use a pattern or make one from a favourite t-shirt. Basically, you just need to sew two side seams, a round or vee neck, and then carefully put in the sleeves. It is probably not worth doing from an economic point of view, as t-shirts are cheap. However, you can use any material that you like, make a patchwork or otherwise, unique t-shirt. If you've ever thought, "I'd like to make my own t-shirt", why not have a go?
Printing on t-shirts
Printing shops
An easier way to create your own t-shirt is to use one of the printing shops which are around the High-Street or can be found on the internet. Most of them will print any kind of slogan or photo that you like on your t-shirt.
Think of a slogan
Some will provide the t-shirts while in other cases, you need to provide your own. Therefore, think of a slogan which no one else has, or use one of your own photos, and you can have a unique item or a personalised gift.
There are people who have travelled and found websites which made them t-shirts that proclaimed "Been everywhere, Done it all, Too many t-shirts". This is a good example of what can be done these days.
Other t-shirt ideas
If you want something really different, try embroidered or appliqué t-shirts. Embroidering on t-shirts is not difficult, but as the material is a bit stretchy, it helps to use an embroidery hoop. Appliquéing is easier, and you can buy a variety of shapes, which are designed to be sewn onto your own t-shirt. Final word Doing any of the above means that you can have a unique item at very little cost.