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How to manage employee development

Employee development is an exercise aimed at increasing employees’ work-related knowledge, skills and abilities. Employee development is well managed by equating employee skills and knowledge visa vie the job demands and requirements. This article provides a guideline on how to effectively manage employee development.

Employee development

The main criterion on how to effectively manage employee development is to first analyse the current skills available versus the job requirement and establish the need for any training and development. This will also determine which skill shortages should be addressed, including customer care, job knowledge, communication skills and literacy. Again, this will help to choose the best method to be used in addressing the skills imbalance given the available resources and capital.

Ways of employee development

Corporate training Staff training and development is managed through introducing human resource management training programs on each area of concern such as on customer care and job knowledge. Training involves further education on advanced programs regarding a specific job and/or introducing refresher courses to sharpen employees’ minds. Employee training and development can be done by in-house trainers or by engaging the services of an external facilitator. Team building exercises Employee management training and development is done through implementing team building exercises and work related workshops. These help employees to gain more exposure and knowledge regarding their employment as well as how to effectively execute their duties. Introducing educational assistance The company may introduce educational incentives in order to encourage employees to study whilst at work. These educational incentives include subsidising college fees, paying for study leave days, paying skills and experience related salaries. These are done to challenge employees to acquire more skills through learning as well to promote workers who have completed certain job related academic qualifications.

Why developing employees skills

Increase organisation performance Skilled employees are efficient and require minimum supervision for them to execute their duties. An organisation which is full of skilled employees is run professionally and is able to offer quality services. It is also able to manage competition successfully. Minimise production costs People who know how to effectively do their work reduce costs in one way or the other like costs related to errors and omissions, production of unfinished and inferior products and costs related to duplication of work.

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