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How to paint kitchen cabinets

Painting kitchen cupboards are great ways to give them a new look. However, it can also be a major hassle and it can quickly and easily turn into a disaster if you do not paint the kitchen cabinets properly. There are a few simple tips that you can follow to make sure that your painting job comes out as good as it can and that your kitchen looks like a professional job when you are done.

Remove the doors

You will need to paint the kitchen cabinets separately from the doors. The boxes can remain on the wall and screwed into the floor, since unscrewing them could damage the cabinets and make it impossible to salvage them. Doors, however, should be unscrewed. The doors are the most visible part of the cabinets anyway, especially when compared to boxes and frames, so you want to make sure that those are flat and done carefully to avoid drips.

Clean the cabinets thoroughly

You need to clean the cabinets thoroughly before you begin to paint them.
Any dirt, dust, grime or grease build-up could make your finished project unprofessional in appearance and could result in the paint for kitchen cabinets beginning to peel over time.

Prime the cabinets

You need to apply primer to get the cabinets ready for painting. If the cabinets have very grainy wood, you may also want to use special tools like putty or cover to fill in the graininess in the wood in order to apply paint more evenly in your final coat.


Once the cabinets are cleaned and primed and ready, the next step is to paint them. You should be prepared to realise that it is difficult or impossible to get a finish that looks like a factory finish when painting cabinets at home. In a factory that makes cabinets, paint and varnish are usually applied, by using special spray guns and then, sealed. You cannot do this at home in most cases, since you don't have the technology or a completely sterile environment in which to apply conversion varnish. However, if you take your time and are careful when applying your paint, you can get a finished and charming look.

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