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How to relieve bloating?

Bloating can be caused by a variety of different things. People experience anything from water bloating, pregnancy bloating to gas bloating. One of the many causes of bloating may be a result of a menstrual period. Bloating is often referenced as symptom for women’s menstrual cycles. There are several methods that you can use in an effort to relieve the amount of bloating that you feel.

Drink lots of water

Water is good for almost anything and if you are experiencing any type of bloating, then consuming water can help to relieve this feeling. Water helps to flush out the toxins that may be causing you to feel severe bloating. Drink at least the daily amount of eight glasses a day to ensure that you are able to get rid of your bloating. You can also replace drinks like soda with water. Carbonated drinks are known to lead to bloated stomachs. Therefore, by drinking less of those drinks and more water, this can help you to reduce bloating.

Exercise more

If you get little to no exercise this will be the perfect time to dust off your running or walking shoes. If you are experiencing a high degree of bloating for extended periods of time, then a good way to treat this would be to exercise. Walking for at least 30 minutes on a daily basis would be great to relieve the bloating.

Stop eating fatty foods

Fatty foods contain ingredients that take a longer time for your stomach to digest as opposed to healthier foods. This is not good for your stomach because it will keep your stomach feeling full for a longer period of time. This will also result in your stomach feeling bloated for longer periods of time.Bloating can leave you feeling uncomfortable, tired and sometimes in pain.

Consume vitamins

Make sure that you get the total daily vitamins and nutrients that your body needs to operate. You can get these nutrients by consuming multi-vitamins.

Reduce salt and sodium intake

Salt and sodium are known for allowing your body to keep more water for a longer period of time. This is not good for when your stomach feels bloated. Cutting down on these items will help to reduce water retention.

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