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How to write baby "Thank you" notes

Baby showers are wonderful occasions where the arrival of a new baby is celebrated. It can also be an occasion where many gifts for the baby can be received, helping the new mother and family acquire things such as clothing, diapers, toys and other belongings for the baby. When writing baby "Thank you" notes, it's important to do it in such a way that the recipients of the notes feel as though their presence as well as their gifts were appreciated.

Take notes

The first step in writing baby "Thank you" cards is to take notes. Whether you do this yourself or recruit a friend or relation to do this for you does not matter. It is something that must be done. While opening each gift, be careful to write down each of the gifts received as well as the name of the giver. Take your time with this step even though it's tempting to tear through the presents as quickly as possible.

The card

The card is next. If you are handing, you can design your own card by making a drawing, designing a card on your computer, or creating photo-cards made from candid shots taken during the shower. Adding a personal touch to the "Thank you" cards makes them seem all the more memorable as well as meaningful.

The message

Here is where the list created in step one comes into play. Write a personal message in each card, thanking the recipient for the gift. Be sure to identify the gift and add some detail to show that you truly know which gift you received, such as describing a baby blanket and remarking on how soft it feels. Thank the recipient also for coming to the shower party and helping to make it a wonderful experience. Continue to send cards to people who are close If the people who came to the shower are close friends and family, you can continue sending them cards marking the milestones in your baby's life, such as baby announcements, Christmas photos and more. By taking time to prepare the baby "Thank you" note, you lay the groundwork for creating a community of friends and family who enjoy you and will enjoy being a part in your new baby's life.

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