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Introduction to Cartoon Network cartoons

The Carton Network is a children's channel specialising in cartoon animations. TV cartoons have been watched by children for decades and this shows in just how popular this TV network has become. The CN Network has cartoons that appeal to children of all ages. Some are also popular with the adults.

Network TV

The CN Network is network TV, well, its a kids network if we are completely honest.
Cartoons range from the popular Ben 10 through to The Looney Tunes Show.
Cartoons online
Online videos can be found on the Cartoon Networks website, children can play games for prizes and they even play kids movies on the site. The online network crafted by The Cartoon Network has competitions online, children can post messages on the forum boards and chat about their favourite cartoons. Cartoons Network
Cartoon websites are abundant online, you only need to input the correct keywords into a Google engine.
However, one of the best networks is available both on satellite or cable and online, it's called The Cartoon Network.

The future

Cartoons and animated features
The Cartoon Network has extremely popular cartoons and animated features, Ben 10 being a key one.
In the very near future, the CN (Cartoon Network) has scheduled a new version of a hit 80's cartoon, The Thundercats.
This is set to air in the near future. Most popular cartoons
Cartoon Network thrives on pulling in viewers, especially children.
Ben 10, Thundercats, Mad, Scooby Doo and The Looney Tunes show, Throw in Ben 10, Project Exonaut and The Teen Titans, are top rated cartoons and some can be traced back through generations of children. The CN plays host to Star Wars : The Clone Wars as well, this is a CGI animation featuring the much loved Star Wars Universe and its many characters.
Final word
Overall, the Cartoon network is a great channel for children to be entertained by, parents can happily leave their children in front of the TV to watch their favourite cartoons.
If they cannot find those, then parents need only to look to the online official website of the Cartoon Network, leaving their children to play the games, watch archived cartoons and read the message boards that are placed there.

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