Review: Pet Plan insurance
Pet Plan is one of the largest of the UK pet insurance companies. This article looks at their history, what they do, what they cover, and the advantages and disadvantages of insuring your pet with Pet Plan.
Some information about Pet Plan
Pet Plan has been providing insurance for cats, dogs, and rabbits since 1976. Many people feel that animal insurance for their pets is a must, and Pet Plan advertises their pet cover widely in vet surgeries, animal magazines, and on the internet. As with other pet insurers, they pay vet's fees in the event of an animal becoming ill or having an accident. So how good are they?
Positive points
Large and well known Pet Plan are an extremely well known and well thought of pet insurance company. They have been in the pet business for a long time, and know how it works. This is important for a pet owner. Offer lifetime cover Many insurers of cats and dogs only cover an illness for up to a year. This can be a problem in the event of chronic conditions. Pet Plan is one of the few insurers who offer lifetime cover. A discount online Pet Plan offers a 10% discount if you sign up online ( to insure your pet. Work with other pet organisations Pet Plan work with vets, animal charities, and breeders. If you buy a puppy or kitten from a breeder associated with Pet Plan, it will have free insurance for the first few weeks of its life.
Negative points
Expensive Pet insurance is expensive, and Pet Plan is no different in this respect. With vet bills rising, insuring an animal can cost a large amount, and many owners feel it is not worth the outlay every year, prefering to 'self-insure' instead, of putting away a realistic sum of money to provide provision for pet emergencies. Cannot insure older cats and dogs As with all other dogs and cats insurance, there is a ceiling on the age of pet which can be insured for the first time. This can be a problem if, for instance, you adopt an older cat or dog from an animal shelter. Hard selling I personally found Pet Plan rather insistent when i decided not to renew my kitten's insurance, after the initial free period. They phoned up and tried just a little too hard to persuade me to continue with her insurance. I don't like hard selling, and I wasn't impressed! Final word Overall, if you want to insure your pet, Pet Plan are probably one of the best!