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The benefits of soup diets

Many people will try anything to lose weight fast and they may follow radical diets such as the several types of soup diets. These diets claim that you can lose at least ten pounds just by replacing solid food with liquid food. To acquire more information about the benefits and the disadvantages of soup diets, keep on reading.

The different types of soup diets

The cabbage soup diet The cabbage soup diet is a seven-day diet that promises quick weight loss. The diet soup recipe includes: cabbage, green onions, celery, canned tomatoes, green peppers, carrots, mushrooms and vegetable juice. You are also encouraged to drink a lot of water and take a multivitamin. This is strictly a seven-day diet and if dieters want to try it for another week, they will have to take a break. This is a fast diet that is very low in calories and can help you to lose a lot of weight. However, it doesn’t contain adequate nutrients to ensure the proper function of the body.
The sacred heart soup diet The sacred heart soup diet lasts for about a week. The soup consists of beef broth, green onions, carrots, soup mix, celery, canned green beans, canned tomatoes and green peppers. On specific days, you can also eat foods such as fruits, brown rice, milk and fruit juice.
The chicken soup diet The chicken soup diet is another quick loss diet. Its ingredients include cooked and shredded chicken, oil and vegetables, such as carrots, celery, pepper or onion. Every meal of the day contains the chicken soup, apart from breakfast. In the morning, you have to eat an approved breakfast that may contain wheat bread, dried or fresh fruit, bran cereal, cottage cheese or yoghurt and non-fat milk or orange juice. The diet is less radical than the previous one and contains more protein and nutrients.

The benefits of soup diets

The main advantage of soup diets is that they are quick diets that can help you to lose weight really fast. A soup diet is also typically an easy diet that doesn’t contain complicated food combinations. Another benefit is that soup, due to its high water and fibre content, is very low in calories and can keep you well hydrated, without feeling hungry.

The disadvantages of soup diets

These diets lack the vitamins and minerals that are necessary for a healthy body and as a result, they can cause symptoms such as headaches and low energy. They can only be used as a quick fix and not as a long-term diet plan. What is more, the soup diets usually don’t contain enough protein and you may end up losing valuable muscle tissue.

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