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Top five James Bond quotes

Finding someone (at least in the Western world) who hasn’t seen a James Bond movie, will probably turn out to be harder than keeping the man himself down. In fact, everyone has their favourite Bond film, and most also have their favourite Bond, Connery or Moore. This article provides you with five of the best James Bond quotes.

The classic

As for the lines, there are so many classics that most people would find it hard to single out their favourites. Every film is littered with typical cute Bond quotes.
"Bond… James Bond"
These literally iconic words were officially recognised as being among the finest 100 best quotes of all times by the American Film Institute in 2010. First, introduced into the Bond repertoire in the 1962 movie, Dr. No, there have been few Bond movies since that haven’t included this infamous introduction. In fact, the words are now as essential to any Bond movie as gadgets, sports cars and beautiful women.

The drink

"A Martini. Shaken, not stirred" We first learned about Bond’s drinking preferences in the 1964 movie Goldfinger. Since then, every 'how to be James Bond' impression has included a rendition of probably the most famous drink order in history.

The women

While Bond was known for taking his drinking seriously, more serious was still how he took his women, be they friend or foe. Unfortunately, his cute one-liners tended to mostly be on the dangerous side of patronising. While recently he has, supposedly, become something of a ‘new man’, most of the time, he just can't help himself. Here’s a couple of the less offensive, starting with this classic from the 1965 Thunderball film: Bond: "That gun, it looks more fitting for a woman". Largo: "You know much about guns, Mr. Bond?" Bond: "No, but I know a little about women". While most Bond women tend to be given somewhat suggestive names, here Bond meets probably the most suggestive of all in Goldfinger: Pussy Galore: "My name is Pussy Galore." James Bond: "I must be dreaming."

King and country

Surprisingly however, the most important thing in Bond’s life was his dedication to King and country. He admirably demonstrates this dedication in the ‘Spy Who Loved Me’ (1977), when he shockingly dumps a gorgeous Russian agent in favour of saving the world, with this unforgettable line: Russian Lady Agent: "But James, I need you!" Bond: "So does England!"

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