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What is NHS Community Healthcare?

Never has there been such a focus on the health and care of the individual as there has been since the 20th century. Televisions and computers are bringing people into the world of the have-nots, and the latter are discovering that many of their own people living in the country do not have good health nor the medical benefits that they need to acquire it.

Community health care

The NHS which stands for the National Health Service provides community health within the U.K. Its foundation is built upon the philosophy that every citizen of the United Kingdom has a right to good healthcare, and it is funded through taxation of the citizens of the U.K. Being one of the top five employers in the world, the NHS covers everything. From a broken toe or sleeplessness, or heart surgery or to any type of mental illness within the care community which it services, the NHS is there. For the care of its patients throughout the United Kingdom, the NHS is broken down into four regions, England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. There may be some differences in services offered according to the region, but the main concepts of being a service organisation remain the same. Each of the above four regions have their own boards and monies distributed through the government, and the monies are under their own control. One official website for each region is listed below: England - Scotland - Wales Northern Ireland -

Coverage by the NHS

The community healthcare offered by the NHS is divided into two main areas of care. There is primary care which is the first point of contact for most people, and secondary care which deals with all acute illnesses. If, for example hospitalisation, which is placed under secondary care, is necessary, you would be sent to one of the community hospitals where your healthcare issues would be dealt with. Taking care of health care issues throughout the community is the goal of the National Health Service. Although it is governmental health care, provided through governmental funding, the medical care personnel, and also the volunteers who work at the different health centres under the auspices of the NHS, provide first class services to a community which is unable to help itself in the time of need, and that would otherwise go unnoticed.

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