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What is a body type diet?

We are all born with a different body type and each type has its own characteristics and its own advantages and disadvantages. According to William Sheldon who spent his life observing the variety of human bodies, there are three body types: Ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph. Of course, body types aren’t set in stone and most people combine elements of at least two body types.

Why should I care about my body type?

Every type of body reacts differently to different types of diet and exercise programs. As a result, it is very important to identify your body type from the start so as to decide on your diet plan, the frequency and the type of training. For example, if you are an endomorph, you will have to work harder in order to lose weight and if you are an ectomorph, you will have to struggle to gain muscle mass. By knowing your body type, you will be able to reach your maximum potential.

The three main body types

What body type am I? The ectomorph
Ectomorphs Ectomorphs look fragile. They have long fingers and toes and a long neck. They are usually thin and tall with narrow bones and a flat chest. Ectomorphs have great difficulty in gaining weight. They have a fast metabolism and their body fat is minimal. Unfortunately, muscle growth is also minimal. To build muscle mass, an ectomorph will have to work very hard and eat 5-7 small meals per day. The body diet for this type should includes plenty of protein. Some famous ectomorphs are Tom Hanks, Courtney Cox and Gwyneth Paltrow. The mesomorph
The mesomorph is perhaps the most gifted body type. It loses fat easily and builds muscle very fast. The female body has the hourglass shape. Their body is athletic and muscular and they usually have a large head, broad shoulders and a narrow waist. They don't have to follow any special diet to lose weight but a simple moderate calorie restriction. Some good examples of the mesomorph type are Bruce Willis, Sylvester Stallone and Madonna. The endomorph
The endomorph has a “round” body shape and a high percentage of fat. The arms and legs are short in length. Their metabolism is slow and they have huge appetites which makes it very easy for them to put on weight. The good news is that they can also gain muscle mass easily. If you are an endomorph, the body type diet you need to follow is the one that limits the intake of refined carbohydrates because you may have a genetic tendency to develop insulin resistance. The endomorph diet should also include plenty of protein and essential fatty acids. Some famous endomorphs are Jennifer Lopez, Oprah Winfrey and Jack Black.

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