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What is the anti-aging diet?

How to ward off the effects of aging by adhering to diets proven to be beneficial to our health and appearance. Diets which are rich in anti-oxidants and have anti-inflammatory properties have been proven to be prevent the aging process.

How a healthy diet can help prevent aging

Preventing the aging process Although we cannot fully prevent the aging process, there are many ways to preserve our youthful looks. Looking younger is easier than ever these days as we are more informed about what to eat, what to wear, the dangers of smoking and the benefits of exercise. Of course, the signs of aging include not only wrinkles, but also age-related health problems such memory loss, decreased brain function, and an increased risk of cancer, osteoporosis, and heart disease. Healthy aging is the result of a longer healthy life and dietary choices are crucial in defending the aging process. Many people think that eating a calorie restricted diet is the key to staying slim, healthy and therefore looking younger. However, this is not strictly true. People belief that sticking to a calorie restriction diet plan means that we are more likely to eat healthy food which is low in fat, but it is important to eat the right foods. As we get older, we become more susceptible to the long-term effects of oxidative stress (a condition where the body basically has too many free radicals) and inflammation on the cellular level. The theory is that antioxidants and other age-defying compounds help cells ward off damage from free radicals and minimise the impact of aging.

Healthy foods

Fruits and vegetables are low in calories, high in nutrients, and are anti-oxidant rich which helps prevent cell damage. Foods such as blueberries are known to be high in anti-oxidants and also are full of vitamin C which will help to keep your complexion looking smooth. Spinach and other dark leafy greens are full of plant pigments that protect your eyes from the harmful effects of ultraviolet light. Leafy greens are also rich in vitamin K, a nutrient that plays a role in reducing bone loss and preventing fractures. Avocados are also a must-have - they are jam-packed with vitamins A and E, which are very effective at fighting wrinkles. Eating protein rich food such as fish, chicken, lean red meat, eggs beans and dairy food helps keep blood pressure healthy, keep bones strong and preserve the muscle density. Eating Omega-3-Rich fish, which includes salmon, mackerel, sardines and tuna helps improve mood and keeps skin firm. Water is the most beneficial aid to good skin-by drinking plenty of water each day it plumps up the skin and flushes out the toxins that cause a dull complexion and wrinkles.

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