Where to buy a travel clothes steamer
Clothes steamers have been in existence for over one hundred years. From their beginnings as really quite substantial pieces of equipment, they have become smaller and smaller over the years, making them easy to store and to use as household pieces of equipment. This eventually led to portable types, thus becoming more popular. This article will look at where to buy a travel clothes steamer.
How travel steamers work and benefit over an iron?
How do portable fabric steamers work?
The basics of how a portable steamer works haven't really changed much since the day they were first invented. There will generally be a reservoir of water that comes in various capacities. Obviously, the larger the reservoir, the longer each steaming session will be. This water is heated internally so that it reaches boiling point. Once this has occurred, the steam is forced out under pressure through the steamer's nozzle. This is then brushed or stroked over the clothing or material. The action of steaming clothes whilst stroking the material helps each individual fibre to relax, therefore helping to reduce wrinkles and creases, and allowing the fabric to become flat and smooth again.
Steamer or an iron?
As steam is used to help to straighten creases out of fabric, there is little chance of causing damage to your fabrics like you can sometimes expect from a more traditional iron - it can be easy to leave a conventional iron left down on an item of clothing only for you to be distracted, and then come back to find a damaged item of clothing for instance. A portable fabric steamer can also be used on clothing that is hanging up on a hanger which means that you don't have the hassle of having to set up an ironing board.
What to look for and where to buy?
Hand steamers come in bewildering array of different types, sizes and makes. Things that should be considered are reservoir size, whether it is cordless or rechargeable, and physical size of the steamer itself. Of course, whilst a large reservoir might sound like a good idea, you must think whether it will make it too cumbersome for you to carry around with you whilst on your travels. Another good thing to do is to read as many reviews as you can about a particular type of steamer before you buy.
Where to buy?
Here are a number of places to buy a travel clothes steamer:
- Argos.co.uk
- Amazon.co.uk
- Froogle.co.uk
- Rgk.co.uk
- Ebay.co.uk