Where to find Chinese symbols for words
Chinese symbols and meanings have always held a sense of power for people. Something in the delicate design of the letters and words appeals to very different cultures. Finding the right words can be difficult, this article will look at sources that people can trust to get the correct Chinese text and signs that they are looking for.
Using a dictionary will always be a great way of getting the correct spelling and design for different words in Chinese. They can be found in any bookshop or rented from libraries a dictionary will also carry an accurate meaning of the word or phrase. They are usually translated by experts so they can be trusted. Copying the designs from a dictionary does open oneself up to the chance of human error, if you copy the design incorrectly, then the meaning will be lost or changed. This could lead to embarrassment especially if the design is being used as part of an artwork, or tattoo.
Online services can be useful, especially if you need a translation quickly. These sites do run the risk of wrong translations - this is far more likely than if you were taking the translation from a published, fact-checked source. A lot of online sources will be accurate but services offering “My name in Chinese” type translations should be checked in other sources just to make sure that your information is correct. Chinese horoscopes and meanings can also be found and checked online easily. Some sites will also offer suggestions for different options, so if you are looking for the Chinese symbol for hope, it will give you some less well-known alternatives.
Tattoo artists
Chinese images and letters in Chinese have always been popular tattoo designs. A lot of the better artists will have accurate translations and they will be experienced, so mistakes whilst not impossible, will be unlikely. The artists will also have designs that customers can look at and choose from, should they need more inspiration. Customers should be careful if the artist has to adapt the design to make sure that meaning isn’t lost or changed, most artists will be good enough to avoid these mistakes, but it is something to take into consideration. If you are unsure, then go to an artist that you are comfortable with and trust.