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Where to find NSW government jobs

New South Wales (NSW), home to the country capital of Sydney, is the most densely populated state in Australia. Located in the south east area of the continent, the state lies south of Queensland, north of Victoria and east of South Australia. Those interested in finding work in the area will be helped by the information on where to find NSW government jobs found in this article.

Bus operator: State Transit Authority

Potential employees who are licensed to drive buses can find work with the State Transit Authority as a bus operator. Those who work in this field are responsible for more than 300 routes in and around Sydney. Approximately, 2,100 buses provide their services for more than 600,000 people daily. Thus, bus operators are vital to keep New South Wales running smoothly.

NSW Ambulance service

Those interested in being on the forefront of saving lives should consider joining the NSW Ambulance service. As one of the largest ambulance networks in the world, those who work with this service are providing a vital service to the people of NSW. Working in the ambulance service will require four days of 12 hour shifts followed by five days off. When a person needs to relocate, the service pays the costs.

Workcover engineer

Workcover is an initiative within the NSW government that promotes safe workplaces and environments. This service is in need of engineers who will help to ensure that this will happen. A lot of the work is in hands-on and covers things from mechanical safety to testing the safety of new equipment. Due to the ground covered in this programme, no two days are alike. Engineers who have graduate degrees are more likely to be placed in management positions.

Ageing, disability and home care

NSW believes that it is important to take care of those who are ageing, have disabilities and/or are in need of home care. Trained nurses and other health care professionals can work in this area of the NSW government. Those who work in this field have the option to work in residential care as well as home care. Working in this environment can be extremely rewarding for a person who enjoys working with those who need assistance. References -About NSW (New South Wales)- -Finding Jobs with the NSW government-

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