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Where to play amusing computer games

There are so many computer games around that it can be overwhelming trying to filter the fun ones from all the others. There are many places where you can go for games that are amusing. Here are some tips to help you to maximise your fun and minimise your frustration. The following article gives information on where to buy amusing computer games.

Get a console

If you have a game console, then you’re in a prime position to enjoy computer games as they are designed expressly for this purpose. You do not have to worry about whether they’ll run or about getting them installed. Just put them in the console and play them. Which console and games you’ll find the most fun depends on your own taste, but the Nintendo Wii has a lot of family-friendly games which can be enjoyed by people of all ages. So, if you’re not much of a gamer, then that’s probably the best choice. If you want deeper or more adult games, then consider investing in an Xbox 360 or a PlayStation three.

Buy games for your PC

There are also many games available for PCs and as long as you have a reasonably modern computer, you should be able to run most of them. These can be bought both from High Street stores such as ‘Game’ and online shops like ‘Amazon’. Games can also be downloaded directly from gaming services such as ‘Steam’. However, before buying any such games, you should always check the system requirements to ensure that your computer matches or exceeds them. If you’re not sure whether your computer can run a game or not, then there’s a handy website which you can visit called From there, you simply select the game that you want to play and the website will check your computer for compatibility.

Play free web games

If you want to play amusing computer games, but you either don’t have anything that will run them or just don’t want to spend your money, then you should look into free online gaming sites. There are thousands of free web games hosted on websites such as and Many of them are easy to learn and suitable for all ages. Although, they probably won’t have the staying power of a bought game, they should provide a lot of fun in short bursts.

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