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A guide to Georgia's child support enforcement

Individuals who are ordered by a court to pay child support must do so. If you do not pay child support as ordered, then you can find yourself subject to collections activities including garnishment of your wages and even the potential loss of your driver's license.

Non-payment of child support

Once a GA state child support order goes into effect, it is a court order that you are legally bound to follow. If you do not follow the order and pay child support as required, then the parent who you are paying child support to can go back to the court and law enforcement for assistance in collecting the money that is owed.

Collections activities

The nature of the collections activities taken in cases where child support enforcement is required will vary depending on the situation and how far behind you are in your support payments. Garnishment of wages One of the most common steps taken under Georgia support laws is to have your wages garnished. Wage garnishment means that a portion of the money is taken directly from the pay that you are earning. The money comes out of your paycheck before the payment comes to you, so you have no choice about whether to pay support or not. Procedure When a garnishment order goes into effect in the state of Georgia, your employer is sent a notice to withhold the money from your check and to send the money separately and directly to the Georgia child support agency who will then send it to the party you are supposed to be paying child support to. Percentage
As much as 50-60 percent of your disposable income may be garnished as a result of non payment of child support, depending on whether you have a spouse or other children that you are currently supporting besides the child or children that you have the support order for. If you fall far behind on your payments (more than 12 weeks), then an additional five percent can usually be taken on top of that amount. Final word Unpaid child support and back child support debts are not dischargeable in bankruptcy, so it is always best to pay the child support as ordered since bankruptcy will not provide relief from the child support debts that you owe.

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