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A guide to a risk assessment form in the U.K.

A risk assessment (basically a safety assessment), is an assessment of what could possibly cause harm to anyone or anything in your work. This is so that you can assess whether or not you have taken enough precautions and what else you could possibly do to avoid any harm being caused. You also need to think about what you are going to do if any harms does occur.

What is a risk assessment?

Accidents can ruin your job and work place if you are at fault. Even if you are not at fault, accidents can still put a damper on things. Therefore, risk assessments are usually a legal requirement in most work places. It is essential that all workers are protected in the best possible way, and this is why risk assessments are so important. All risks in the workplace must be accounted for, especially if the risks could possibly cause a lot of danger which could be life threatening. A risk assessment also has to state what can be done to prevent such dangers and accidents, and if accidents do happen, then what must be done. So, for example, if there has been a spillage of a substance of some kind, there is a danger of someone slipping on it, then the risk assessment must state that the spillage has to be cleaned up immediately. If someone has already slipped over on it, then they must be checked over by someone who is first aid trained, and then if the injuries prove to be serious, then a trip to the hospital is in order.

How to do a risk assessment

The best way to layout a risk assessment is in a table, either by hand or on a computer. The first step in putting together a risk assessment is to identify all of the hazards and put them into the risk assessment under the title of 'hazards'. Then, you must decide on who could possibly be in danger and how the accident might happen, this goes under the heading of 'individuals affected'. You then have to evaluate the risks that have been highlighted and then decide on the precaution that must be taken. You then have to keep the risk assessment updated, and change it when it is necessary. For example, when new hazards occur, or when an accident occurs. All risk assessments must be filed in a safe place and in an organized state, as they may need to be shown to insurance companies.

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