A guide to buying nursery curtains
The first curtains were rudimentary at best: animal skins hung over wall openings. Fabric did the honours by ancient Egypt when linen, one of the first fabrics was woven. Curtains in the Middle Ages served both to hang over windows and doors, but on the walls themselves as insulation. Curtains are still used nowadays both as decoration and as a way to keep out the cold. Nursery curtains can continue this long history of use.
The room and the windows
The room and the window can help you to determine what curtains you can use in the nursery. If the window is large and the room is large, then you can get away with more elaborate curtain designs. If the room and the window is small, then more tailored and simple curtains will do. Keep in mind the décor of the room and the house.If you live in an older house, then that can help to determine the style of curtains. The curtains should compliment the and not stick out like a sore thumb.
Consider the child
The child can help to pick out the fabric cloak that will work. If the child has a favourite colour, then you can get curtains in that colour. If your child is a Thomas the Tank Engine farm, then train curtains will do. If the nursery is cold in the winter, then lined curtains will do as well as, perhaps nursery rugs. If the child is a boy, then boyish curtains will work well. For girls, girlish or stylish curtains will do. You might be able to find curtains in conjunction with bedroom linens. Another option for the nursery window is a window quilt which can seal the window with quilted cloth.
Make curtains
Making curtains will work well for the nursery. Pick out some fabric for the curtains, basically enough to cover the window twice and at the length you want. Hem the sides of each panel, then hem the bottom. Turn the top over four inches and secure it in place. Add another seam above the seam, but below the top of the curtain so as to make a channel. Thread a curtain rod through the channel of both curtains. Hang the curtains in the window.