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A guide to internet marketing seminars

If you are about to attend a free or paid seminar on online marketing training, you need to read this short and informative guide. Learn what to do before and during the seminar to get the most out of the training.

Network with other attendees

For some, networking is the first reason why they attend an internet marketing seminar or conference. This is especially when you know that some big names (or internet marketing celebrities) are attending. They will naturally attract a certain crowd. You know that each of these 'gurus' has his own list and you are probably on one of them. On an event like this, there are some marketers and freelancers who make new contacts and even new business. In this light, the more expensive the event, the more quality contacts and business you can gain, even if you do have to pay a lot to attend - sometimes as much as a few thousand dollars per head per event.

Use the materials provided pre-seminar period

As part of your internet marketing training programme, you are probably provided with downloadable materials before the event. These are meant to be used during the seminar itself to enhance your absorption of the information: 1. Check-lists 2. Quick guides 3. Workbooks You are not encouraged to take notes during the event because you want to maximise your absorption of what the speakers are presenting. Put your concentration on the main thing. See if you are provided with recordings of the event (such as internet marketing videos or audio) so that you don't have to worry about forgetting anything. If you are provided with materials to use during the seminar, you are usually allowed the time at certain points of the event to do so.

Prepare yourself for the seminar

It is a good thing if you have read the sales page in its entirety before the event as this helps to build your anticipation. Knowing what to expect better prepares you and you can therefore relax. With a clear mind and some excitement in you, you are bound to receive what you expect to get, and as a result, gain more internet marketing secrets that can really help you in your business.

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