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A guide to law careers

The field of law encompasses a large number of disciplines and career choices. Careers in law involve more than courtroom litigation. Although all lawyers are required to have a degree in law, many lawyers spend little to no time in front of a judge or jury and focus on other areas of the practice of law. When one understands the vast variety of options available to him in the law field, he can better understand the vast complexity of law. The article below gives an overview of some law career specialisations.

Constitutional Law

Lawyers who practise Constitutional Law deal with will issues that are mentioned or implied by a constitution practice or constitutional law. In particular, these lawyers grapple with the precise power of federal government andexamine how power is divided between the federal government and state or provincial governments. These men and women are the ones who argue in front of the United States Supreme Court on issues on freedom of expressions, religion and equality.

Intellectual Property Law

Any idea or product that is created by an individual is considered his or her intellectual property. Intellectual property lawyers deal with the important challenges of proving who produced what idea which, in this day of increased technology, is becoming more difficult. These lawyers deal with copyrights, trademarks, registration of industrial design and patents as well as intellectual property rights on the internet.

Immigration Law

Immigration lawyers deal with laws that determine who can immigrate to a country. These lawyers are hired by non-citizens or loved ones of non-citizens to find a way for the foreigner to enter the country legally. Immigration lawyers also work with immigrants who are already living in a country but may want to become a citizen. In some cases, these lawyers can help people who have entered a country illegally to gain legal status.

Family Law

Family lawyers deal with the many and complicated issues that come with being a family. These lawyers work on drawing up pre-nuptial agreements as well as divorce and custody issues. Family lawyers helps people with estate planning and wills. In addition to this, they are also involved with child custody issues that come with divorce. People who want to adopt will often hire a family lawyer to ensure that the process goes smoothly.

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