A guide to mother of the groom wedding outfits
Today, we will be discussing mother of the groom outfits and what is available on both the High Street and online. There are too many websites to mention, so we will be looking at a variety of the most popular sites for affordability and choice. We will also be taking a look at what the High Street has to offer in comparison.
Which one to choose?
The High Street The High Street offers a very good selection of ladies dress suits and ladies wedding suits. Most ordinary department stores have a bridal selection which will include wedding dresses as well as outfits suitable for mothers of the bride and groom. The prices can vary enormously and it seems that the place where you shop will determine the price you pay. Asda George at Asda has just launched a whole new collection of bridal and wedding outfits that are very reasonably priced and are well worth a look before you make up your mind, especially if you are on a tight budget. Online stores There are a vast number of online stores that stock a wonderful variety of wedding outfits at very competitive prices. Dinodirect.com and Isme.co.uk both offer some stunning outfits that will have you feeling like a million dollars. Both start at size 10 and go up to size 26. Going the extra mile cost-wise For those who want to spend a bit more on their outfit, Houseofcouture.co.uk offers specialist mother of the bride days, where you can go along and spend the day looking at the outfits on offer. If you decide this is the best deal for you, telephone or log on and make an appointment, stating how many people will be attending.
Pros and cons
So, whichever choice you make, you are sure to find that special outfit. High Street shopping The upside of High Street shopping is that you can browse the rails and there will be an abundance of assistants to help you make that all-important choice and advise you on accessories and any alterations you may need. Online shopping If you decide to try the online shopping experience, you will be able to shop in the comfort of your own home. Items are usually sent on approval to you post-free and dispatched right away. Most items ordered before 2pm will arrive the next day and should you wish to return anything, it's post-free. Hence, there are several advantages to be had. Whatever you decide, you just have to go with what's best for you.