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An example of a CV (resume) cover letter

A CV is a curriculum vitae or a listing of your accomplishments. A resume is very similar, but it is the American word for CV. In any case, a cover letter should accompany job applications and your CV. While the resume provides your work history to the prospective employer, the cover letter is your chance to introduce yourself to tell the hiring manager why he or she should look at your resume. It also serves to convey why you are qualified for the job and helps to impress the manager with your abilities and skills. Writing a good resume cover letter is essential to getting a job and an example can help.


Resumes should always be formatted properly as should your cover page. There are many templates for CV cover letter options out there, but the basic premise is that your cover letter should start with your address, the recipient's address, the date and the reason for the letter. A good example of a CV letter properly formatted would begin with: - Your name - Your address - Your phone number - Your email address Then, skip a line and include the address of the person you are sending the letter to: - His name - His title - His address - His contact information/phone number or email address Then, skip a line and include the date. Finally, skip a line and include the reason for the letter. For example, you could write: Re: Marketing Position

The first paragraph

In the first paragraph, you should introduce yourself and tell the reader who you are professionally. For example, you could write: "I saw your advertisement for a marketing writer position in the classifieds and I feel that I would be the perfect candidate for the job. I have been working full-time in marketing for four years and I have won several marketing awards at my current position."

Continuing the letter

In your subsequent paragraphs, you need to highlight why you believe that you are the right candidate for the job and explain to the reader what you can do for the company. While this needs to be about you and your skills, it should also focus on what you can do for the company and it should incorporate some of their specific requests from the job advertisement.

Finishing up

The final paragraph should include details about how and when you will follow up and a signature line. For example, you could close with: Thank you for taking the time to review my resume. I will follow up on Wednesday the 13th with a telephone call to see if you need any additional information." Sincerely: Your name here.

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