Benefits of Berg Furniture
The Berg Furniture company was established in Passiac, New Jersey in 1984. Originally, the company sold furniture for children as well as adults. In 1995, the family-run company decided to focus on children's furniture exclusively. Berg cribs, which were never recalled, according to the company's website, were discontinued due to the unavailability of quality hardware. While the adults and babies may mourn the lack of Berg furniture specifically for them, the benefits of the children's Berg furniture make them ever popular with children and their parents alike.
Furnishing a child's room can be challenging, especially when you don't have much space. In some cases, where two or more children have to share a room, this can be further complicated. Fitting in beds, desks and storage while still leaving enough space to move around can be extremely difficult. Thanks to Berg furniture, the furniture units combine pieces, creating combinations that allow three children to sleep in separate beds while still having a place for their belongings as well.
Berg prides itself in providing plenty of storage in its furniture. Most of the units come with stairs that are as wide as, the site states, "bedside tables." This width provides not only safety but an opportunity for cubby spaces and drawers beneath the steps themselves. Some of the Berg furniture units include captain's beds, which are a modern take on beds found in captain's cabins on ships. The captain's beds are platform beds with drawers built into them, allowing your children space to store their belongings. No space is wasted on the Berg furniture units.
Berg prides itself in creating units that are flexible. If your child prefers a captain's bed that is a loft, that unit is available. If you prefer double-twin bunk beds, with shelves, drawers, a desk and more, then that is available as well. Or, if you prefer L-shaped bunk beds, you will find these also. The Berg furniture is as considered modular furniture, which means that you can mix and match elements to create environments. As Dr Margaret King wrote in her review of Berg Furniture, "it won't be enough in the future to simply provide a bed, a dresser, and a desk. Consumers want 'smart furniture that can enhance and foster their child's psychological as well as their physical needs."