Dirt Devil Spot Scrubber: The facts
The Dirt Devil Spot Scrubber is a lightweight, but portable hand-held vacuum cleaner with a shampooing capability that is designed to easily and quickly remove spots and stains. It is a handy household appliance for people who are subjected to frequent spills onto their carpets and furnishings. Read the guide below to discover the facts about this appliance.
Facts about this appliance
More powerful The newer version has over 60% more power than the original Dirt Devil Spot Scrubber and claims to be good for removing spill, spots and stains from your carpets, upholstery and the interior of your car. Warranty It comes complete with a two year warranty that covers both the parts and the motor. Versatility As well as being versatile and able to be used in a number of ways, it has powerful suction capabilities. Moreover, its deep rotating powered brushes add up to the superior cleaning power on a variety of surfaces. Key features Its role as a compact, but portable deep cleaner is controlled by its ability to hold around two litres of clean water in its water tank. It is able to tackle both large and small cleaning tasks and has an interlocking clean and dirty water tank design. Other features It contains a hand tool with a hose reach of over one metre, a rotating power brush, a built-in storage element for the power cable which measures over four metres in length.
Small not always best
Advantages of its small size
The Dirt Devil Spot Scrubber is the smallest portable deep cleaning vacuum cleaner available on the market as of 2010. It is very lightweight and designed specifically for removing stains quickly and conveniently. Its mobility makes it a good choice for use in difficult to reach places such as chairs, stairs or inside the car.
Its small size makes it easy to store as it requires very little storage space.
The relatively low cost of the Dirt Devil Spot Scrubber makes it a popular choice for many homes. Furthermore, the ease of buying online further generates savings as big discounts can be found after a little browsing.
Less than favourable reviews
The product reviews are not all in favour of this product, although the price is liked, people have found many flaws with this product. It does not perform well when faced with tough stains. Its loud noise when in operation was not favourable either, with some users claiming that ear plugs are necessary when using the appliance. Water escapes from the tanks make cleaning a bigger task and the water used in cleaning is not all absorbed by the machine when in operation.