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How much is a tummy tuck in the UK?

Demanding careers are causing more and more people to bulge. Lack of exercise and too many fat-producing foods consumed by many people, are showing up in the upper abdomen area. This is causing serious damage to the organs in the upper abdomen. To alleviate this problem, many doctors are recommending their patients to have a tummy tuck.

Health dangers caused by excessive fat in the body

One of the most growing areas of medicine is surgery to reduce the fat cells in the body. People get up mornings and are not able to bend over and tie their shoes. They may have a breathing problem due to the fact that they are not getting enough air. Some of these problems are caused by too much fat around the organs in the upper abdomen area. Excessive stomach fat can damage the heart, lungs and arteries and can no longer be ignored. Abdominoplasty, (in layman's terms, a tummy tuck) is the quickest way to relieve the body of this excess fat. However, a tummy tuck can be expensive. These are not costs that are automatically taken over by the National Health Service (NHS). Tummy tucks can be classified into three categories: apron tummy tuck, mini-tummy tuck and the tummy tuck. Differences between the three methods are obvious in that an apron tummy tuck is usually the result of having a hysterectomy, with the cut found in the lower stomach area in comparison to a mini-tummy tuck or tummy tuck which is based on the overall amount of fat cells in the body. According to the prices listed on (2009), "a tummy tuck could cost between £3000 to £6000 in the U.K. depending on various factors such as the location of the clinic and the skill, experience and reputation of the surgeon." Other countries also offer cheap tummy tucks but the risks are much greater for the patient and could cost more, if complications arise.

The operational procedure

Tummy tucks are done under anaesthesia. The surgeon cuts above the pubic area and extends the cut the from hip bone. After that, he lifts the tissue, tightens the muscles and removes the excess fat. Patients are usually required to stay in the hospital for at least two days. The normal recovery time for a tummy tuck can last up to six weeks. After the operation, some discomfort will be experienced. Symptoms such as tummy tuck swelling could take place. People who have excess fat in small areas may want to eliminate fat cells in problem areas by having a liposuction. Fat is then removed from problem areas with a tube. This is a procedure which can last up to 90 minutes. However, liposuction is considered more costly.

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